The Blue Ridge Writer's Conference held a few weeks ago was smaller this year than previous years, but was a wonderful learning experience. Due to traffic in Atlanta, I missed the opening reception, arriving just as everyone was leaving. I hated to miss the opportunity to meet and greet the various speakers, but I arrived at the conference first thing Saturday, ready to learn.
I'll skip the keynote speaker for now and go directly to my first workshop, 'The Greatest Writing Prompt Ever', led by Scott Owens. Scott is the author of 6 collections of poetry, editor of
Wild Goose Poetry Review, Vice-President of the Poetry Council of NC, and founder of Poetry Hickory. He also teaches at Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory and has been nominated for two Pushcart prizes. He has read his work on NPR, the Writer's Almanac, the Joe Milford Poetry Show, and WordPlay. Whew! He is an amazing speaker and teacher.
He asked us to jot down a list of noteworthy moments. Hmmm, I stared off in space as I fast-backwarded through my life. Suddenly I channeled Charlie Sheen. Winning. That was it. Winning is good. I always felt good winning especially because winning did not happen often enough that it became old hat. In my youth I won blue ribbons at several horse shows. Winning. I know the feeling.
Then Scott Owens made some suggestions to help us making our noteworthy list. "Think of something so one else noticed." Hmmm. "Did it make you sad? Happy? Was it ironic?" He gave us a few more minutes to finish our list.
Now, a few weeks later, as I glance of my hastily written list of 12 moments, I agree with all of them and I could spend days adding to it. Try it. Write your own noteworthy moment list.
OK, then he ask us to list all the places where we lived/occupied/stayed. Add specific details. Describe it in physical and spiritual terms.
Now, I hate to say, but I had to leave his workshop because the critique of my novel was scheduled. I would like to thank Scott Owens for his excellent workshop and encourage you to check out his poetry. He read a few to us that were powerful. I'll post some of his web-sites at the end.
In another excellent workshop I attended which I will discuss at a later date, Robert Lee Brewer suggested that as writers we should share in our web-sites, blogs, tweets, and social networking sites any tips that other writers might find helpful. So here is my tip, based on the writing prompts offered by Scott Owens.
Go back through your list and think of the smallest, most quiet moment you experienced during that noteworthy moment. What thought crossed your mind? What were you doing? Who was with you? Now, write about it.
For me, winning that blue ribbon and trophy was a noteworthy moment, but it was during a practice ride a few weeks before the show when everything clicked. Instead of just riding, going through the motions of guiding my horse around the ring, I figured out the key to that particular horse. I could set his head up by slightly jiggling the snaffle rein and bit. With just a small touch he responded, rising up to march down the straight-away, like a winner.
Macon Horse Show, Sept 1974, Happy Holliday & me, 1st place, 3-gaited amateur. That's my trainer Temple Stephenson holding Happy's head. Can anyone ID the ribbon girl? |
Before I saw my wonderful trainer excitedly jumping up and down, before I was close enough to hear his encouragement, I knew I could show this horse and win. That confidence has carried me through many situations and I still call on it today.
Winning. For Charlie Sheen it is the catch-phrase of the week. For me, it was a life-altering experience that I pull out and use when I write.
Please check out these web-sites for Scott Owens.