In Baldwin County, we have a much larger community, but we still tend to seek out local businesses to spend our hard earned dollars. I love going to downtown Milledgeville. It is a hip, due to the colleges, but quaint, historic area where you can park and walk from shop to shop, restaurant to restaurant, bar to bar. (OK, we
don't really frequent the bar scene here, but we read about it, thanks in no part to that football guy)
Downtown Milledgeville |
I don't quite feel like a complete fuddy-duddy...yet. I think I am probably just at fud. I wanted to use just the first two letters, f and u, but then my fuddy-duddiness took over and I didn't want y'all to think I was a fan of the letters f and u.
The Odd Couple, 1968 |
Those letter, f and u, are part of one of the funniest scenes in the movie The Odd Couple, starring my favorite actor of all time, Walter Matthau. Playing Oscar Madison as only Matthau could, he yells at Felix, played by Jack Lemmon, about notes Felix had been leaving for him in the apartment. For six weeks it seems Oscar thought Felix was ending his notes with the letters f and u, until he realized it was Felix Unger's initials... hysterical!
Imagine if you will, why my sweet and funny hair stylist stared at me in surprise when I mentioned a character on the TV show Law & Order, SUV. I had been watching the episode on the salon's flat screen as she trimmed my hair. Amanda and I had been discussing the episode as she worked on me. I knew the outcome because I had seen it before. It turned out that the mother of the brainy, but kinda geeky teenager was discovered in bed with her daughter's secret crush, a cute guy who was a really big jerk. Amanda was shocked when I said, "that is really sick."
She looked at me and I felt my fud level ease over into fuddy. She gently patted my shoulder and nodded, as if she understood. Then she handed my glasses to me, helped me out of the chair, placed my cane in my hand, and draped my crocheted shawl around my shoulders. I wobbled out.
P.S. There is no cane or shawl and my new hair cut ROCKS!
Urban dictionary is a great tool for us old folks