Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yard Sale

We're having a yard sale tomorrow and Saturday with our neighbors who happen to be our in-laws.  So we have advertised a multi-family yard sale.  Yeah, sort of a multi-family thing.

The thing is, when we moved here a little over a year ago, I cleaned out all my junk before we moved.  I did not want to move junk, plus we had no room to house junk.  In Blue Ridge, where we lived for almost seven years, our house was large enough to hold lots and lots of junk.  Here, not so much.  I didn't have a sale up there, but I donated several truck loads of items to the Blue Ridge Humane Society Thrift Shop.  Lots of clothes and household items that I hoped could be sold to help finance a new shelter.

My precious dog Presley was adopted from the Blue Ridge Humane Society.  She has been an unexpected blessing in our lives.  I had not had a dog since we moved to the mountains and until she came into our lives, I had forgotten just how much joy a dog brings to our lives.  Even sweetie pie, grumpy and gruff most of the time, has fallen in love with Presley and is her number one late night walker.

Anyway, the only junk I moved was a lot of Christmas stuff, so I have cleaned that out.  And tons of weird lamps.  I don't remember these lamps, I think sweetie pie must have picked them up somewhere.  He's been a grumpy helper, but he has been suffering from a sinus infection.  All week long.  He doesn't suffer in silence, bless his heart.

The one bad thing about a yard sale is the terrible early morning start time.  We are not morning people.  I know, the early bird gets the worm, and all that, but we stay up late.  We are late night people.  Quite frankly, I do go to estate sales every so often, but I refuse to stand in line or heaven forbid, wait all night to be first in line.  There is nothing I want or need that bad to do all that.  Surprisingly, I have wandered into estate sales around nine or tenish and found treasures without the grabbing mentality some people exhibit.

We sell mostly furniture now since we closed our shop in Blue Ridge and do not have booths anywhere at this time.  It is hard to find decent furniture to re-sell at an estate sale because the price is usually higher than we can sell it, after painting or refinishing it.  We buy mostly through our pickers around the country or at auctions.  Recently though, auction prices have been inching higher.  Good for the economy, bad for re-selling.

We hope to sell some of our junk and make a few dollars this weekend.  Sweetie pie wants some new hunting gear and I want to buy Rick Hutto's new book.  I can't wait to read it!

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