Sunday, November 7, 2010

Then Sings My Soul

Happy Sunday!

A favorite from a good ol' Georgia boy, Alan Jackson.  When I was in the seventh grade Sunday school class at my Methodist church, our leaders were all male.  That was the first time I ever had a male teacher.  All my teachers so far had been female in Sunday school and in grammar school. 

Unfortunately, I don't remember the gentleman's name who was our song leader, but I can see him as clear as day as he sat down at the old, beaten up up-right piano in that small Sunday school classroom and started to play.  We sang old hymns every Sunday and thus began my life-long appreciation for traditional gospel music. 

The other thing I clearly remember was that my neighbor was one of our leaders.  Now, I had seen Mr. Neighbor almost daily for the past few years and his children were close neighborhood friends.  He was a fine man and I was fortunate to know him personally as well as through the church.

Sunday evenings in our little neck of the woods would find several neighbor families hanging out together.  As the adults enjoyed their cocktails, the kids watched Ed Sullivan.  We ate take-out pizza from the Shrimp Boat up on Vineville.  That was the only pizza I ever had until Shakey's opened on Riverside Drive.  Those Shakey's sing-alongs always reminded me of my seventh grade Sunday school class, except for the pitchers of beer our parents shared.

Maybe we'll have pizza for supper tonight!


  1. Only you, Sissy Sinclair, can write of hymns and beer all in the same post!?! I love it!
