Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Not-For-Two Dollar Gray Slippers

Last weekend, I went shopping.  This is news because I rarely shop for myself but I needed a few things.  A new dressy blouse, maybe some dressy, flat shoes, and pantyhose.  Not very exciting, but I was looking forward to spending a few hours traipsing around the stores with a friend.
It had probably been four or five years since I had been to the Mall in Macon.  The one on Eisenhower, I'm not sure what they call it now.  I rarely shop for anything that can't be purchased at Kroger or Walmart.  Mama suggested that Macy's was having a sale (imagine that) and I might find what I was looking for...blouse, shoes, panty hose.

I didn't find those, but I did find a pair of gray bedroom slippers, the good kind with soft, fleecy insides and a thick rubber sole.  Slip-ons.  In my size and on sale.  Originally $24, now half off.  I decided to get them.

I handed the item to the clerk who immediately told me that I could get an additional 10% off  IF I opened a Macy's charge account.  Let me back up and tell you that I have not had a Macy's charge in years.  I paid it off and closed the account.  I do not want a Macy's charge, even for an extra 10%.  I nicely, I thought, declined the offer. 

The clerk repeated the offer, this time slightly incredulous that I would refuse such a deal.  She said, and I quote, "You can get dese fo' two dollars!"  She pointed to the slippers.

I did some quick math in my head...OK, maybe not real fast, I usually prefer a calculator instead of my poor ol' tired brain. Anyway, 10% off $12 comes to $10.80 not $2.  I looked at my friend who probably did the math instantaneously while I multiplied and subtracted, trying not to move my lips or fingers.  She rolled her eyes.

"No thanks, I'm fine paying $12," I said firmly and handed over my cash money.  As I walked away with my change and my small Macy's bag, the clerk told the next woman in line about the offer.  That woman nodded excitedly and took her up on the deal.
The  Slippers


  1. I get mine...just like those..exactly like those..for 7.99 at Publix every year. They usually put them on one of those special displays in Novemeber.

  2. Lucky! I love Publix, but don't have one here.
